Oregon Raffle Laws
- Horseracing (1946), Bingo (1976), Lottery (1984), Video Lottery (1992), Casinos (1993), Poker Clubs (2007)
- $280 million
- $1.2 billion
- 18, except for casinos that serve alcohol and video lottery, which are 21
- Smoking is banned in all public buildings but does not apply to reservations
- Horseracing is the only form of legal online gambling
- Raffle Laws By State
- Oregon Gambling Laws
- Oregon Raffle Regulations
- What States Are Raffles Illegal
- Oregon State Gambling Commission
- Olcc Raffle
State of Oregon Raffle Laws and American Cancer Society Policies The American Cancer Society, Inc. Is fully committed to conducting our raffle events to follow all applicable city, state, and federal rules and Society policies and best practices. As our raffle activity in the. Online Gambling in Oregon. Online gambling sites are mentioned in Section 167 of the Oregon statutes. According to the current regulations, accepting payments related to unlicensed internet gambling activities is a felony. However, the law doesn’t criminalize gambling online as an Oregon player. Gambling Laws in Oregon. Situated in the north-western United States, Oregon is one of the more bountiful states when it comes to gambling options. The legal forms of Oregon gambling include horse race betting, the Lottery, and charitable gaming.
Oregon casinos offer a wide variety of gambling options to players. It ranges from full-scale gaming resorts on tribal lands to a state lottery and everything in between. Charities may offer bingo and raffles.
Oregon gambling laws permit low stakes betting on card games. Poker clubs can offer variants of the game. There is also a large video lottery industry that takes in nearly $1 billion a year for the state. The Oregon Lottery even spread sports betting but the state legislature put them out of that business last decade.
Oregon Casinos Map & Guide
- Three Rivers Casinos
- Seven Feathers Casino
- Chinook Winds Casino
- Wildhorse Resort
- Spirit Mountain Casino
- 10
- 17
- 10
Types of Oregon Online Gambling Allowed
The only form of online gambling legal in Oregon is off-track horse racing. This may be done through sites like TVG, TwinSpires, and BetAmerica.
Daily fantasy sports sites may be legal in Oregon. The sites claim to not involve chance so they are not gambling. Oregon officials have not acted on the topic so for now the sites’ opinions are considered to be correct.
Types of Oregon Casino Gambling Allowed
- Slots: Yes
- Blackjack: Yes
- Poker: Yes
- Craps/Roulette: Yes
- Horses: Yes
- Lottery: Yes
There are many forms of live Oregon gambling available to players and residents. A state lottery sells scratch-off and lotto tickets. This includes interstate drawings like Powerball and Mega Millions. These types of lottery products are not as popular in Oregon as other states. That is because Oregon has a video lottery. These are video poker, real money keno, and slot machines that are spread in bars and restaurants.
Poker is available in card clubs. Most of these are in Portland. Social gaming is legal. This is low stakes gambling games, typically including cards or board games, participated among players where the house has no interest in the outcome.
There is a horse racing industry in Oregon. It is small, even by today’s standards. Portland Meadows casino is the only live track. There are 10 taverns that offer off-track betting that is in addition to Portland Meadows.
There are 10 Oregon casinos that offers all types of gambling. All are on tribal land. Permitted casino games include slots, video poker, live poker, electronic table games, off-track betting, blackjack, craps, roulette, and house-banked poker games.
Raffle Laws By State
Oregon Gambling Laws
Oregon casinos offer many forms of legal gambling, but it has harsh penalties for those convicted of operating illegal businesses. As per Oregon gambling laws, felony convictions require a $50,000 fine. This is for most business operators. There are misdemeanor charges for some players and lower level employee. The fines for this can run as high as $5,000 and start at $1,000.
Oregon permits charities to operate up to two bingo nights per year. The prize may not exceed $10,000 per event. Monte Carlo nights are legal. Fake money must be used for these games. Prizes are awarded based on the placing of the participants.
Oregon is exempted by the federal Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act. That is because the lottery once sold parlay tickets for NBA and NFL games. The law that allowed the Oregon Sports Lottery was repealed by the state legislature.
Oregon is one of the few states that have a specific law that covers online gambling. An internet gambling conviction is a Class C felony. The law states:
The state lottery may sell scratch-off and lotto tickets. They may not be sold over the Internet. There is a video lottery where slots, keno, and video poker are spread. These are installed in hundreds of bars throughout the state. The maximum payout is 96 percent. No more than five games may be installed in any business.
Poker clubs are legal enterprises. It is up to each local jurisdiction to approve the card clubs. Portland is the only major one that has.
Oregon casinos are legal but only if the gaming occurs on tribal land. Tribes must be federally recognized. Permitted games include slots, video poker, live poker, electronic table games, blackjack, craps, roulette, baccarat, Pai Gow, Three Card Poker, Four Card Poker and Ultimate Texas Hold’em. Taxes are only paid on table games. Slots and video poker fall under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act exemption because of the state’s video lottery.
List of Oregon Casinos
There is one horse racing track that acts as an Oregon casino. It is Portland Meadows. Live and off-track betting are legal there. Simulcast wagering on horses is available at taverns throughout the state. The Portland Meadows casino offers a variety of games, including slot machines.
There is a state lottery that sells tickets at thousands of convenience stores. There are hundreds of taverns that spread video lottery machines that offer video poker, keno, and slots.
There are nine tribal Oregon casinos currently operating within the state. The Oregon casinos and locations are:
Casino | Size | Address | Website |
Chinook Winds Casino – Lincoln City | 1,200 Slot Machines | 1777 NW 44th St. | www.chinookwindscasino.com |
Indian Head Casino – Warm Springs | 500 Slot Machines | US-26 | www.indianheadgaming.com |
Kla-Mo-Ya Casino – Klamath Falls | 300 Slot Machines | 34333 Hwy 97 | www.klamoyacasino.com |
Seven Feathers Resort – Canyonville | 900 Slot Machines | 146 Chief Miwaleta Ln. | www.sevenfeathers.com |
Spirit Mountain Casino – Grand Ronde | 1,900 Slot Machines | 27100 Salmon River Hwy | www.spiritmountain.com |
The Mills Casino – North Bend | 700 Slot Machines | 3201 Tremont St. | www.themillcasino.com |
Three Rivers Casino – Coos Bay | 250 Slot Machines | 1297 Ocean Blvd. | www.threeriverscasino.com |
Three Rivers Casino – Florence | 700 Slot Machines | 5647 Highway 126 | www.threeriverscasino.com |
Wildhorse Resort – Pendleton | 1,200 Slot Machines | 46510 Wildhorse Blvd. | www.wildhorseresort.com |
Oregon Gambling History
The Oregon horse racing industry was first regulated in 1946. This was after the activity operated in an unregulated manner for much of Oregon’s existence. The industry boomed but declined after the state rolled out video lottery games and Oregon tribal casinos opened. Most fairgrounds and smaller tracks failed in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Portland Meadows casino is the only remaining track in the state.
The video lottery made several attempts at legalization. Video poker machines were always legal but cash could not be paid to winners. Many operators ignored this law. The state legislature banned the gray machines in 1992 while legalization the lottery to operate ones.
Sports Betting through Lottery
The Oregon Lottery introduced Sports Action in 1989. This was an NFL parlay card system. NBA was added a year later. This caused massive controversy among sports leagues. While Sports Action did not allow betting on Portland Trailblazers games, the NBA was still not amused. The NFL stated it would never award Portland a team while Sports Action existed. The NCAA stopped permitting tournaments in Oregon even though its games were not the subject of betting.
The NBA parlay cards only lasted one year after the NBA filed a lawsuit, one the lottery ultimately settled. NFL parlay cards attracted more than $2 million a year in revenue. The NFL parlay cards were discontinued after 2006 due to repeal by the state legislature. Oregon’s exemption under the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act remains. The state could reenter the NBA and NFL parlay card business if the state legislature revived the previous law.

Oregon Casinos & Gambling FAQ
The minimum Oregon gambling age is of 18 years of age. The exceptions are casinos with alcohol and video lottery where the minimum gambling age is 21.
Slots, video poker, live poker, electronic table games, blackjack, craps, roulette, baccarat, Pai Gow Poker, Four Card Poker, Three Card Poker, Mississippi Stud and Ultimate Texas Hold’em are among the games spread at Oregon casinos.
Yes. Most are in the city of Portland.
Why is Oregon exempted from the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA)?

Oregon is exempted from PASPA because its state lottery once sold parlay cards for NFL and NBA games. The sales ended after the 2006 NFL season.
There are no forms of sports betting currently legal in Oregon.
Yes, according to the companies that operate the sites.
What daily fantasy sports sites operate in Oregon?
DraftKings, FanDuel, CBS Sports and Yahoo! are the major daily fantasy sports sites that operate in Oregon.
Oregon Gambling Laws
Oregon video lottery machines in bars that offer video poker, slots, and keno.
What is the maximum payout on Oregon video lottery machines?
The Oregon video lottery games may return no more than 96 percent to players.
Yes. Portland Meadows is the only track still in operation.
Yes. Bets may be placed at Portland Meadows, at licensed websites and 10 taverns with simulcast race books.
Although Oregon was one of the last territories in the “Wild West” to be fully explored and “civilized,” many of those old outlaw traditions cling to life in the spirit of their residents. As such, a deep love and fascination with gambling permeated Oregon culture through and through. No one has to tell anyone who has ever played a hand of poker or blackjack that when enjoyed responsibly, gambling can offer both fun and thrills that few other hobbies can match especially when done with safety in regards to the Oregon gambling laws.
While not everyone may prefer to take part, there are even more who choose not to participate due to a poor understanding of the laws governing the hobby, or a false belief that even the slightest bit of betting or wagering can land them in jail. This page was written to help dispel these notions.
Federal law which governs every state in the US declares that while the unsanctioned facilitation of gambling is highly illegal, it is actually perfectly within any citizens’ rights to place any bets or wagers. Although some states choose to add their own legislation, most follow this template as a guideline for establishing rules and regulations regarding gambling in their homelands.
Sit back, as OregonGamblingLaws is standing by to provide all the help Oregon residents will need when navigating through the complicated legal landscape surrounding gambling in their home state. This website will also help steer them towards the safest possible direction when it comes time to get to gambling, and educate readers about the benefits (and drawbacks) of the options Oregon residents have at their disposal.
Gambling Legality in Oregon - Is Gambling Legal In OR?
For those who seek to gamble legally in Oregon, there is both good news and bad news. First for the bad: unregulated gambling, in accordance with state legislation, is in fact illegal. Chapter 167.122 subsection 1 of state law defines “gambling in the second degree” as when a person “Places a bet with a bookmaker; or… Participates or engages in unlawful gambling as a player.” Right here, just about every form of popular gambling is taken right off the table. In accordance with subsection two of this same chapter, this crime is considered a class A misdemeanor, which could result in a fine of up to $6,250.
After this piece of news, one could be wondering what the good news as it relates to the legal landscape of gambling in Oregon could possibly be. While it’s true that the state of Oregon carries some steep penalties for those who would be convicted of gambling, residents may rest assured that this crime is never prosecuted. In fact, never in the history of the state of Oregon has an otherwise honest citizen ever been brought up on charges for simply placing a bet or wager in their home state, whether they win or lose or how high the stakes were.
The spirit and intent of these laws is and always has been larger organized crime syndicates. In most cases, the law takes no umbrage with honest citizens who merely wish to place bets, and these legislations are only used to levy more charges against career criminals. In fact, Oregon is one of the few states that even includes legislation against internet based gambling in chapter 167.109 of the state constitution, but even this law is only aimed against those that may be defined as “in the business of gambling,” and not necessarily those who simply partake in placing a bet on an event or a game of chance.
However, one should not take this to mean that all gambling activity is safe for Oregon residents. If one is guilty of gambling in the first degree in accordance with chapter 167.127, they not only face much steeper penalties, but are almost assured of facing prosecution from state courts. If one is found guilty of gambling in the first degree, they are guilty of a class C felony, which can result in a fine of up to $125,000 and up to five years in prison. It goes without saying that any resident of Oregon should be incredibly careful to avoid charges of first degree gambling.
Difference Between Gambling In The First Degree vs. Second Degree
With such a huge disparity in the punishments between these two crimes, it’s a good thing that the acts themselves are incredibly distinct. Whereas second degree gambling consists of merely participating in a gambling event, gambling in the first degree involves facilitating that gambling event. When one wishes to gamble, it generally involves two parties. The first person has to make a bet whereas a second person needs to take the bet. In the eyes or Oregon law, the first person will probably walk away free, but the second would most likely be guilty of gambling in the first degree, and hence susceptible to that huge felony charge.
There is usually one more stipulation that goes along with gambling in the first degree in Oregon: the party must also make a profit off gambling. This does not mean placing bets and wagers and coming out ahead, profiting off of gambling requires the offender to put themselves in a position where they can profit off of a gambling event even if they do not place any bets or wagers during the event at all.
This can be hard to visualize, but some popular examples include operating a sportsbook in which the offender assumes responsibility for paying out winning bets and collecting from losing bets, (usually taking a cut in the process,) hosting a poker game where they charge admission for the privilege to play, collect a “rake” (a small percentage of each pot gathered as profit to the house) or even sells food and drink, or operates any casino game as the “house,” which by definition of traditional casino games always has the greatest chance of winning, usually by a significant margin.
These laws and distinctions also apply to gambling via the internet. While it ranges from unlikely to impossible that anyone would be prosecuted for merely using the internet to place bets or wagers or play any games of skill for money, those who operate a website with that intent and purpose will usually face serious criminal charges.
Just as long as Oregon residents avoid these highly specific criminal acts, they will avoid that big legal penalty associated with gambling in the first degree, or indeed, any legal penalties at all for violating Oregon gambling laws.
Oregon Gambling Statutes + Restrictions
Oregon Raffle Regulations
In 1992, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) passed into federal law. This is significant because it is the only example of the federal government passing a law that could override states’ decisions as they relate to sports betting. Upon passage of the act, the sanctioned facilitation of sports betting was banned throughout the United States with the exception of four states. The good news is that Oregon actually was one of these states, the bad news is that the state or Oregon has yet to take advantage of that fact, and has indeed even written legislation against the act of “bookmaking.”
This is why thousands of Oregon residents who have shown in interest in sports betting turn to legal online sportsbooks every day. Through the use of these websites, players are able to bet on any sports games they please, and since the State of Oregon does not prosecute those who merely participate in gambling (online or otherwise) they are able to do so safely and free from fear of legal penalties.
If one wants to play casino games in the state of Oregon on land, they may be distressed to learn that the state legislation has not sanctioned any casinos. However, there are a couple of federally exempt tribal casinos found throughout the state. On the positive side, these facilities do offer opportunities to play casino games in a social environment. On the negative side, not only are the offerings in these casinos quite restrictive, (many only offer electronic games and very few tables for live games) but for a state as large as Oregon, they are indeed few and far between.
Perhaps this is why many Oregon residents have turned to legal online casinos for their gambling needs. Whether a resident wants to play the slot machines or come blackjack, it can all be found online with no legal risk or risk to financial wellbeing.
By far, the most popular means to gamble in this or any other state in the union is poker. Luckily, despite the restrictive status of other casino games in Oregon tribal casinos, there are many functional poker rooms and tables found within. These can include special tournaments for guaranteed cash or sit and go’s played for cash in hand.
For those that do not want to make the long drive to the tribal casinos spread throughout the state, Oregon preserves the sanctity of the home game. This includes both private games among friends and beers as well as games played online from the comfort of a plyer’s own home. When it comes to poker, several options are open just as long as residents are careful about selecting their venues carefully.
Age To Legally Gamble In Oregon - How Old To Bet In OR?
What States Are Raffles Illegal
While gambling in Oregon is not completely outlawed, it is certainly a complicated subject. The last thing any Oregon resident interested in gambling should want to do is make the subject any more complicated than it absolutely has to be. All Oregon residents who gamble underage do just this. Luckily, Oregon has the lowest gambling age in the country, meaning that all legal adults over the age of 18 may participate, so waiting should not be a terribly drawn out ordeal.
However, is any minors get any cute ideas about gambling underage, not only will they face stiff penalties from whichever facility they are caught gambling in, (kiss any money and winnings good-bye!) but they will also face steep legal fines from the state, and probably a lot of court ordered community service. Parents who knowingly allow their children to gamble underage against Oregon gambling laws are subject to punishment as well.
General | Lottery | Casinos | Poker | Pari-Mutuel | Bingo |
18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
Gambling Locations in Oregon
On-Land: If one wishes to legally gamble in the state of Oregon, there are plenty of options so long as they want to play poker. Oregon is home to many legal poker rooms, and if someone living in Oregon wants to play a game of poker, they are probably no more than a two to three hour drive away from a state licensed facility. Tournament entry fees within the state range from low stakes games at $5 all the way to $250. Some of these tournaments lead to big guaranteed money, provided you can make it out to the poker room at the set time the tournament is to begin.
Online/Web-Based: A far preferable method for regular gambling rather than making regular trips to poorly stocked, remotely located tribal casinos is to merely use the internet. While the law will not bother anyone who merely wishes to place bets or play games for money online, there are stringent laws set up against owning or operating a web domain for the purpose of facilitating gambling. How then are the legal gambling networks shown here on OregonGamblingLaws able to operate legally and legitimately? Because they are physically located in countries where operating an online gambling website is perfectly legal…not in the United States.
Legal gambling websites are run out of the likes of Canada, Costa Rica and Panama. This puts them well outside of not only Oregon but federal jurisdiction, and allows Oregon residents all the convenience and security of gambling from home with a fully legal enterprise. While the idea of gambling with foreign companies could make some Oregon players nervous, the benefits of gambling with a legal business should make up for any trepidation several times over. These legal Oregon gambling sites are held to rigorous standards when it comes to both fair play and handling payouts, meaning that member never have to worry about their money disappearing the way it may if it were being held by a criminal syndicate. The legal status of these foreign websites also assures financial security, with these sites featuring more secure accounts than even the likes of some of the major online retailer
Best Gambling Sites That Are Legal For Oregon Players
Bovada - #1 Sportsbook For Oregon & Oregon State Fans
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Oregon State Gambling Commission
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While the information on our websitehas been thoroughly researched and has proven to be accurate at the time of writing, none of the staff here at OregonGamblingLaws.com is a legal professional, nor are they permitted to practice law in the state of Oregon. Therefore, the content on this page cannot be considered as official legal consultation. We always recommend that readers be comfortable before gambling, especially given the Oregon gambling laws, and should seek further information if they have reservations. OGL suggests all visitors to directly any further questions towards a lawyer licensed to practice in the Beaver State, or by going to the Oregon legislature, found at https://www.oregonlegislature.gov, in order to obtain the exact language found in the statute books.