How Many Total Games In Nfl Season
In 1987, a players strike shortened the NFL season by two weeks. In 1982, an earlier players strike caused the NFL to shorten its season from 16 games to only nine. Note: Prior to the 1935 NFL season, there was not a set number of games played but the league had a minimum a team was required.
The NFL gets one more week (19 total) or regular season games. 17 games and 2 bye weeks per team. All leagues have pre-season games (I.E. Practice & Spring Training), are you saying they. The NFL has expanded its regular-season slate three times in the 100-year history of the league, but they haven't added another game to the schedule since the league went from 14 to 16 games in 1978. In the 1920s after the NFL was starting out, there was no set schedule. Teams played as few as nine games and as many as 16. From the late 1920s to 1946, teams played 11 to 15 games each regular season. As time passed, the NFL started developing a set schedule for the season. From 1947 to 1960, teams were scheduled for 12 games each season.
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![Games Games](
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant uncertainty about the upcoming National Football League season.
In a typical season, there would be 256 games played -- 16 games played between 32 teams over a 17-week period. As of June 25, the schedule released by the NFL includes all 256 games.
How many total games will be played in 2020-2021 regular season?
Fine print:
There is no fixed date where the final regular season game must be played by -- we will consider all non-postseason games to be 'regular season' games, regardless of date.
If no games have been played by December 31, 2020, this question will resolve to 0.
Partial games that are suspended mid-game and not resumed/played to completion will not be counted.
The official source for the number of games played will be ESPN.
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How Many Total Games In Nfl Season
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