3 Card Brag Winning Hands
New players to the world of 3 Card Brag need to familiarise themselves with a few facts and figures, with Three Card Brag hand rankings being the most important of these facts. Along with the various hand rankings we have also added the odds of being dealt the various hands, figures which can make the difference between being a profitable 3 Card Brag player or one of the players who generously donates to the aforementioned profits.
The order of the possible three-card Brag hands, from highest to lowest, is as follows. There is no order of suits, so it is possible for two hands to be equal in rank - for example 7-7-Q is equal to 7-7-Q. In a contest between two equal hands the calling player (the player who paid to. A full house, also known as a full boat or a boat (and originally called a full hand), is a hand that contains three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank, such as 3 ♣ 3 ♠ 3 ♦ 6 ♣ 6 ♥ (a 'full house, threes over sixes' or 'threes full of sixes' or 'threes full'). It ranks below four of a kind and above a flush. The main points to remember where 3 card brag hands are concerned are: A flush beats a run; A 2 3 is the highest run; 333 is the highest hand; All 3 card count; Hopefully, that’s cleared things up a bit. The History of 3 Card Brag. 3 card brag is a 16th-century British card game and one of the early ancestors of poker. 3 Card Brag How to Play. Anyone looking for a 3 card brag how to play guide need look no further. While there are 3 card strategies and systems which can help to boost the probability of you winning every time, we are going to focus today on the basics. Three Card Brag Winning Hands. A prial, which is short for ‘Pair Royal’, is the highest ranking hand in the game of 3 Card Brag. A prial is three cards of the same value (eg. A run is simply three consecutive cards in any suit. The highest value run is A-2-3 followed.
Three Card Brag Winning Hands
These hand ranks are listed with the top scoring ones first, down to the lowest scoring ones at the bottom. Memorise the order and please note, if you’re more used to Poker, the Run and the Flush switch places in order of ranking.
A prial, which is short for ‘Pair Royal’, is the highest ranking hand in the game of 3 Card Brag. A prial is three cards of the same value (eg. A-A-A, K-K-K) with the most valuable prial being 3’s followed by Aces, Kings, Queens and so on. The odds of being dealt a prial of 3’s while playing 3 Card Brag are 1 in 5,525 with the odds of being dealt any other prial being 1 in 460.

Running Flush
A running flush is the second highest ranking hand in the game of 3 Card Brag, only bettered by a prial. A running flush is three cards running in sequence (eg. 4-5-6) which are also in the same suit. The highest value running flush is A-2-3 followed by A-K-Q then K-Q-J and so on. The odds of being dealt a running flush while playing 3 Card Brag are also 1 in 460.
3 Card Brag Winning Hands
3 Card Brag Hands Order
A run is simply three consecutive cards in any suit. The highest value run is A-2-3 followed by A-K-Q then K-Q-J and so on. Note that K-A-2 is not a valid run or running flush. The odds of being dealt a run while playing 3 Card Brag are 1 in 31.
Play 3 Card Brag
A flush is three cards of the same suit of any value. If two players hold a flush the highest value card of each flush is used to determine the winner, if the highest cards have the same value then the middle card is used to determine a winner and if both of these cards are of the same value the third card of each flush is used to determine the winner of the hand (eg. K-7-4 of hearts beats K-6-5 of spades). The odds of being dealt a flush while playing 3 Card Brag are 1 in 20.
A pair is made up of two equally valued cards and another card (eg. A-A-5). The highest ranking pair is Aces followed by Kings, Queens and so on. If two players show the same value pair the highest third card decides the winner (eg. A-A-5 beats K-K-Q, which beats K-K-3). The odds of being dealt a pair while playing 3 Card Brag are 1 in 6.
High Card:
A high card hand is the lowest hand in Three Card Brag and occurs when your three cards cannot be used to make any of the above combinations. In this instance the highest value card in your hand is used (eg. Q-9-2 would be a “Queen high” hand). If two players hold the same high card the second cards and then the third cards are used to determine the winner of the hand. The odds of being dealt a high card hand while playing 3 Card Brag are 3 to 1 on.
3 Card Brag Winning Hands Meme
Based on the iconic card game which is played around the world in brick & mortar casinos, online 3 Card Brag is a popular variation of poker which you can enjoy at a number of trusted sites. Played with one full deck, which is shuffled at the start of each game, 3 Card Brag is like two games in one. There is the main game in which players are dealt a three-card hand. The aim here is to beat the dealer’s hand to win. Alongside this main game there is also a Pair Bonus game, the end result and winning amount in the Pair Bonus is determined by the player’s own hand- regardless of the dealer’s hand.
Best Hands In 3 Card Brag
Three card brag was first invented in 16th century Britain and follows the traditional british theme of vying or bluffing style card games. This poker variant is very similar to the even older, Primero, which is widely considered to be the direct ‘ancestor’ of poker.
Since its renaissance beginnings, 3 Card Brag has spread around the world. Versions of the game are popular in the Caribbean and South Asia where they are known locally as ‘flush’ and ‘teen patti’.